🗺️Ion Core 👯👯 👛 (ION) =================================== - **Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ionomy** - **Copyright (c) 2017 🐼CEVAP🐼s 👯Community Edition👯 Ioncoin Developers** _(**this is community developed software, please use at own risk**)_ `/:` -odN: `+mMMN- +MMMM/.--` .. +NMMMh/MMMMh .dMMm+ -mMMMMM/NMMMMM` .NMMMMMd oMMMMMMM.sMMMMm. .MMMMMMs /MMMMMMMMo `/N/ /mMMdyd- dMMMMMMMMM- ` -+ :Mm .MMMMMMMMMMy -MM- :MMMMMMMMMM: `MM+ /MMMMMMMMMm ` ` dMh :MMMMMMMMMd `+mM- /MNy: yMM. .MMMMMMMMMN` -NMMy `hMMMd` dMMs +MMMMMMMMM/ `ydo /dy: -MMMM: /MMMMMMMMm` `mMMMMN. oMMMMMMMMm/ `ydmmNy .+yNMMMMMMm` .MMMMMMMMMMmo. `:oo- /dMMMMMMMMMMMd NMMMMMMMMMMMMms: .:sNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo hmmm sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNhmm mMMMMMMMMMMMMMN ,NMMMmymMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd/, dMMMMMMMMMMMMs hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy- dMMMMMMMMMMMm, ,yNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo .h-.-oMMMMMMMMMMMM: ,.:::sMMMMMMMMMMMMMs -NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh :MMMMMMMMMMMMMM+ .////NMMMMMMMMMMMd, +hdNNMMMMNNmdy/ .-://+++/:. What is 🗺️ Ion? ================ Ion is a digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Ion uses peer-to-peer technology over ClearNet to operate with no central authority (centralisation): managing transactions and issuing currency (ION) are carried out collectively by the Ion network. Ion is the name of open source software which enables the use of the currency ION. What is 🗺️Ion Core 👯👯 👛? ------------------------------- 🗺️Ion Core 👯👯 👛 stands for Ion Core CE Wallet (Community edition wallet). This is non profit project by a community, mostly ion community. ### **[DOWNLOADS/RELEASES](https://github.com/cevap/ion/releases)** - **[CEVAP Developers OpenPGP public keys](doc/publickeys.md)** - **[CEVAP Developers Donation addresses](doc/donation.md)** **[Core documenation](doc/README.md)** ----------------- - [assets-attribution](doc/assets-attribution.md) - [benchmarking](doc/benchmarking.md) - [bips](doc/bips.md) - [build-openbsd](doc/build-openbsd.md) - [build-osx](doc/build-osx.md) - [build-unix](doc/build-unix.md) - [build-windows](doc/build-windows.md) - [developer-notes](doc/developer-notes.md) - [dnsseed-policy](doc/dnsseed-policy.md) - [files](doc/files.md) - [fuzzing](doc/fuzzing.md) - [gitian-building](doc/gitian-building.md) - [init](doc/init.md) - [README_osx](doc/README_osx.md) - [reduce-traffic](doc/reduce-traffic.md) - [release-notes](doc/release-notes.md) - [release-process](doc/release-process.md) - [REST-interface](doc/REST-interface.md) - [shared-libraries](doc/shared-libraries.md) - [tor](doc/tor.md) - [translation_process](doc/translation_process.md) - [translation_strings_policy](doc/translation_strings_policy.md) - [travis-ci](doc/travis-ci.md) - [zmq](doc/zmq.md) ### Documentation and related projects by CEVAP - [Developers documentaion (devwiki)](https://cevap.github.io/devwiki/) (_hosted [directly on githhub](https://github.com/cevap/doc)_) - [Documentation/FAQ (wiki)](https://cevap.github.io/doc/) (_hosted [directly on githhub](https://github.com/cevap/doc)_) - [Stats page](https://cevap.github.io/ion-stats/) (_**very restricted** as hosted [directly on githhub](https://github.com/cevap/ion-stats) and some scripts do not work, we are in progress of building it on another server_) - [🐓 WIKI by Krumz 🐓](https://ionomy.wiki/) (_old Wiki of ion which was maintained by Krumz, thanks @ 🐓_) ### Graphs - [Contributors](https://github.com/cevap/ion/graphs/contributors) - [Traffic](https://github.com/cevap/ion/graphs/traffic) - [Commits](https://github.com/cevap/ion/graphs/commit-activity) - [Code frequency](https://github.com/cevap/ion/graphs/code-frequency) - [Punch card](https://github.com/cevap/ion/graphs/punch-card) - [Network (version history as graph)](https://github.com/cevap/ion/network) What are the goals, projects or milestones of 🗺️Ion Core 👯👯 👛 project? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are very fresh and new, so far a lot if not most has to be defined/redefined. Now is great moment for everybody to [contribute, regardless of your skills or abillities](https://cevap.github.io/doc/GitAccess.html), blockchain and crypto technology should connect people and not complicate additionally anything! Connecting People instead to divide. <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/cevap/ion/raw/master/assets/images/3rdparty/Bit2me.png" width="350"/> </p> Currently ion community is used to have their communication/PR primarly on their [ionomy's Slack channel](http://ionomy.slack.com/) which is not very transparent, especially for those who do not sit permanently in that channel, like people who are interesting to join. There are different community based projects like [ion.community forum](https://ion.community/), as well other projects. Most of them are in control of somebody but not a community and I (CEVAP) do assume that we could call it closed source, especially if it is only available to ionomy ltd. We want to build up and provide transparent way of collaborating, even for n(.)(.)bs, releasing, announcing, planning, ... should be easy and as far automated as possible. Maybe most important line to hold on is to choose reliable services with strong dependency not to produce any cost at all, just like GitHub. Everything published by CEVAP is and will be released under [MIT License](LICENSE) unless there are some licensing restrictions of different source projects. Currently all links and work done is more something like a pilot workshop. This project as well as it's management will change in time by the amount of contributors and changing technologies of how to handle/maintenance such projects like CEVAP. - [Milestones](https://github.com/cevap/ion/milestones) - [Projects](https://github.com/cevap/ion/projects) - [Issues](https://github.com/cevap/ion/issues) - [Releases](https://github.com/cevap/ion/releases) - [Branches](https://github.com/cevap/ion/branches) - [Issues](https://github.com/cevap/ion/issues) - [_Githubs Wiki (currently not used)_](https://github.com/cevap/ion/wiki), please use our [documentation page](https://cevap.github.io/doc/) ### Who is CEVAP CE - _Who is the owner of [CEVAP](https://github.com/cevap)?_ **it is the community** - _Who is in charge of [CEVAP](https://github.com/cevap) administration?_ **[CEVAP](https://github.com/cevap)**, **[aspaas (aspa)](https://github.com/aspaas/)** and **[Mitchell Cash (mica)](https://github.com/mitchellcash/)** (_list will change, **based on timezones** and **response** time_) - _Who is the intial founder of CEVAP?_ **dev@i2pmail.org** (_is [CEVAP](https://github.com/cevap)_) - _Is it controlled by [ionomy ltd](http://ionomy.com/)?_ **NO** - _Has this project been funded?_ **NO**, we just helped to deal with _[time warp attack](https://cevap.github.io/doc/CoinBleed.html)_. - [Members](https://github.com/cevap/ion/network/members) Ion attributes/parameters ========================= - Coin Suffix: ION - Feature base (_the earliest version new wallets supports_): [10500](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/wallet.h#L45) - PoW Algorithm: [SHA256d](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/SHA-256) - PoW Period: 2,000 Network Initiation Blocks - PoW Median Target Spacing: [64 Seconds](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L93) - PoW Difficulty Retarget: 2 Blocks - Last PoW Block: [1000](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L116) - Full Confirmation: 60 Blocks - PoS Algorithm: [SHA256d](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/SHA-256) - PoS Target Spacing: [64 Seconds](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L93) - PoS Difficulty Retarget: [MIDAS](https://github.com/cevap/ion/commit/ecfcde8a0025486e59cedf341c874e81db9b2dd6) - PoS Reward: [Varied](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/proofs.h#L31-L32) - PoS Min: [1 Day](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/proofs.cpp#L19) - PoS Future drift: [4,5 hours](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L69) - PoS Target Timespan: [1 Week](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L94) - Minimum Transaction fee: [0.001](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L53) - MAX P2SH SIGOPS: [15](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L45) - MAX TX SIGOPS: [20000000÷50÷5=80000](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L47) - Number of blocks from a single peer: [128](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L59) - Total Coins: [55,000,000](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/amount.h#L32-L38) ION - Block Size: [2 Mega-bytes (MB)](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L35) - Block download timeout: [60](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L61) - Block sequence ID: [1](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L87) - Miners coinbase reward (nSubsidy): [16400000](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/proofs.cpp#L44) - Premine: [16,400,000](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/amount.h#L32-L38) ION - Premine Block height: [1](https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ion/block.dws?000000ed2f68cd6c7935831cc1d473da7c6decdb87e8b5dba0afff0b00002690.htm) - Premine hash: hash: [000000ed2f68cd6c7935831cc1d473da7c6decdb87e8b5dba0afff0b00002690](https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ion/block.dws?000000ed2f68cd6c7935831cc1d473da7c6decdb87e8b5dba0afff0b00002690.htm) **MainNet Parameters** - P2P Port = [12700](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L88) - RPC Port = [12705](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L89) **TestNet Parameters** - P2P Port = [27170](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L149) - RPC Port = [27171](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L150) Requirements ============ - Min disk space: [52428800](https://github.com/cevap/ion/blob/master/src/main.h#L111)
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