IMPORTANT: if you have any doubts on whether you need to create a new language team, please post on the CiviCRM translation discussion channel ( For regional translations, such as Spanish, please post on the forum to let us know if you would like us to synchronize new strings from "Spanish (Spain)", allowing you to re-use most of the translation, but override terms when necessary (see: For glossaries in various language and other information for translators, see: "Help pages" link on the right.
72 Languages | ||
Turkish | 98% | |
French | 98% | |
Dutch | 98% | |
English (United Kingdom) | 98% | |
Dutch (Belgium) | 98% | |
French (Canada) | 98% | |
Hungarian | 95% | |
Spanish (Mexico) | 94% | |
Spanish | 94% | |
Japanese | 92% | |
Italian | 90% | |
Bulgarian | 89% | |
Ukrainian | 87% | |
Croatian | 85% | |
German | 85% | |
Portuguese | 82% | |
Serbian (Latin) (Serbia) | 80% | |
Slovak | 80% | |
Persian (Iran) | 74% | |
Macedonian | 74% | |
Polish | 70% | |
Indonesian | 69% | |
Portuguese (Brazil) | 68% | |
Russian | 66% | |
Arabic | 64% | |
Danish | 64% | |
Norwegian Bokmål | 63% | |
Catalan | 62% | |
English (Canada) | 61% | |
Swedish | 57% | |
Chinese (China) | 55% | |
Chinese (Taiwan) | 50% | |
Armenian | 45% | |
Thai (Thailand) | 43% | |
Greek | 39% | |
English (Australia) | 33% | |
Korean (Korea) | 33% | |
German (Switzerland) | 30% | |
Albanian | 26% | |
Czech | 26% | |
Finnish | 20% | |
Hebrew | 18% | |
Vietnamese | 17% | |
Latvian | 13% | |
Estonian | 12% | |
Slovenian | 11% | |
Romanian | 8% | |
Hindi | 8% | |
Lithuanian | 6% | |
Welsh (United Kingdom) | 6% | |
Tamil | 5% | |
Esperanto | 4% | |
Telugu | 3% | |
Irish | 1% | |
Khmer | 1% | |
Spanish (Puerto Rico) | 1% | |
Afrikaans | 1% | |
Icelandic (Iceland) | 0% | |
Georgian | 0% | |
Malay (Malaysia) | 0% | |
Nepali (Nepal) | 0% | |
Belarusian | 0% | |
Burmese | 0% | |
Basque | 0% | |
Bosnian | 0% | |
Bengali (Bangladesh) | 0% | |
Kurdish | 0% | |
Spanish (Chile) | 0% | |
Spanish (Dominican Republic) | 0% | |
Amharic (Ethiopia) | 0% | |
Galician (Spain) | 0% | |
Haitian (Haitian Creole) (Haiti) | 0% |