Hotspots is a highly configurable Google Maps marker manager released for Joomla!. HotSpots supports multiple categories with different icons for your locations (markers). How do you know if HotSpots is good for you. Visit our demo ( and see the flexibility how to show multiple locations for your office, or many locations for your directory for your city site. See how you can bring your site to the next level.
102 Languages | ||
Russian (Russia) | 100% | |
German (Germany) | 100% | |
Polish (Poland) | 99% | |
Turkish (Turkey) | 97% | |
Spanish (Spain) | 96% | |
Portuguese (Brazil) | 96% | |
Korean (Korea) | 93% | |
Dutch (Netherlands) | 91% | |
Swedish (Sweden) | 91% | |
Portuguese (Portugal) | 85% | |
Finnish (Finland) | 70% | |
Greek (Greece) | 64% | |
Italian (Italy) | 63% | |
Romanian (Romania) | 62% | |
French (France) | 57% | |
Danish (Denmark) | 57% | |
Hungarian (Hungary) | 43% | |
Croatian (Croatia) | 34% | |
Slovak (Slovakia) | 32% | |
Catalan (Spain) | 30% | |
Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) | 25% | |
Ukrainian (Ukraine) | 25% | |
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) | 19% | |
Czech (Czech Republic) | 14% | |
Thai (Thailand) | 14% | |
Estonian (Estonia) | 14% | |
Vietnamese (Viet Nam) | 14% | |
Japanese (Japan) | 13% | |
Persian (Iran) | 13% | |
Chinese (Taiwan) | 12% | |
Arabic (Unitag) | 12% | |
Chinese (China) | 11% | |
Indonesian (Indonesia) | 11% | |
Slovenian (Slovenia) | 11% | |
Lithuanian (Lithuania) | 11% | |
Hebrew (Israel) | 10% | |
Serbian (Serbia) | 9% | |
Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | 8% | |
Hindi (India) | 8% | |
Latvian (Latvia) | 7% | |
Serbian (Latin) | 7% | |
Spanish (Mexico) | 7% | |
Dutch (Belgium) | 6% | |
Spanish (Chile) | 6% | |
Uyghur | 6% | |
Mongolian (Mongolia) | 6% | |
Afrikaans (South Africa) | 5% | |
Spanish (Argentina) | 5% | |
Telugu (India) | 5% | |
Albanian (Albania) | 5% | |
Chinese (Hong Kong) | 5% | |
Uzbek | 5% | |
Galician (Spain) | 5% | |
Belarusian (Belarus) | 5% | |
Malay (Malaysia) | 5% | |
Esperanto | 5% | |
Macedonian (Macedonia) | 4% | |
Urdu (Pakistan) | 4% | |
Bengali (Bangladesh) | 4% | |
Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan) | 4% | |
Georgian (Georgia) | 4% | |
Swahili (Kenya) | 4% | |
Spanish (Bolivia) | 4% | |
Khmer (Cambodia) | 4% | |
Tamil (India) | 4% | |
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) | 3% | |
Spanish (Colombia) | 2% | |
Armenian (Armenia) | 2% | |
Icelandic (Iceland) | 1% | |
Kazakh (Kazakhstan) | 1% | |
Gujarati (India) | 0% | |
Odia (India) | 0% | |
Burmese (Myanmar) | 0% | |
Basque (Spain) | 0% | |
Amharic (Ethiopia) | 0% | |
Spanish (El Salvador) | 0% | |
Spanish (Peru) | 0% | |
Sinhala (Sri Lanka) | 0% | |
Spanish (Ecuador) | 0% | |
Spanish (Nicaragua) | 0% | |
Spanish (Costa Rica) | 0% | |
Tagalog (Philippines) | 0% | |
German (Switzerland) | 0% | |
Spanish (Venezuela) | 0% | |
Papiamento | 0% | |
Occitan (post 1500) | 0% | |
Luxembourgish | 0% | |
French (Canada) | 0% | |
French (Switzerland) | 0% | |
English (United States) | 0% | |
Zulu | 0% | |
German (Austria) | 0% | |
Russian Petrine orthography | 0% | |
Sakha (Yakut) | 0% | |
Palatinate German | 0% | |
Arabic (Egypt) | 0% | |
Arabic (Syria) | 0% | |
Greenlandic | 0% | |
Serbian (Ijekavian) | 0% | |
Kurdish (Iraq) | 0% | |
French (Belgium) | 0% | |
Marathi (India) | 0% |