Welcome translator! Do you know if there is any group using or wanting to use Karrot in the language you want to translate to? Would it make sense to translate it? You can check by location here: https://karrot.world/#/groupPreview Karrot is a free and open-source tool for grassroots initiatives and groups of people that want to coordinate face-to-face activities on a local, autonomous and voluntary basis.
33 Languages | ||
Czech | 100% | |
Polish | 94% | |
French | 89% | |
Luxembourgish | 89% | |
Spanish | 77% | |
German | 76% | |
Korean (Korea) | 75% | |
Hungarian | 70% | |
Esperanto | 70% | |
Swedish | 60% | |
Hindi | 56% | |
Greek | 54% | |
Japanese | 48% | |
Chinese (Taiwan) | 38% | |
Chinese (China) | 37% | |
Portuguese (Brazil) | 31% | |
Russian | 27% | |
Marathi | 22% | |
Italian | 19% | |
Portuguese | 18% | |
Gujarati | 16% | |
Persian (Iran) | 1% | |
Dutch | 0% | |
Danish | 0% | |
Persian | 0% | |
Croatian | 0% | |
Indonesian | 0% | |
Arabic | 0% | |
Norwegian | 0% | |
Romanian | 0% | |
Spanish (Colombia) | 0% | |
Russian (Russia) | 0% | |
Hebrew (Israel) | 0% |